This weekend we celebrate one of Panama's two independence days. this one from Colombia. Here is an interesting article about the history of this separation. From La Estralia
PANAMA. This Monday November 3, Panama will be celebrating the
105th anniversary of its separation from Colombia, which marked the
rise of its identity as an independent republic.
After more
than 300 years under Spanish rule, the isthmus of Panama’s independence
from Spain was officially declared on November 28, 1821, alongside an
intent to join New Granada, Ecuador and Venezuela’s in Simon Bolivar’s
newly founded Republic of Colombia. For the years to come the isthmus
would remain as a province of Gran Colombia even after Venezuela and
Ecuador pulled out.
On separate occasions, the isthmus
reiterated its independence for short periods of time, always
re-establishing ties with New Granada in the end.
instance, in November 1840 the isthmus declared independence during a
civil war and under the leadership of General Tomas Herrera, named
itself the “Estado Libre del Istmo” or the Free State of the Isthmus.
The new state established external political and economic ties and drew
up a constitution which included the possibility of Panama rejoining
New Granada as a federal district. In June 1841 Tomás Herrera became
the President of the Estado Libre del Istmo. But when the civil
conflict ended Panama again became part of Colombia.
From then onwards Panama’s union with the Republic of Colombia was assured with the help of the United States.
Under the 1846 Bidlack Mallarino Treaty, the US received rights to
build railroads through Panama, and in return the US could intervene
militarily against revolt to guarantee New Granada’s control, as well
as to protect its investments.
The US and Colombians joined
forced on at least three different occasions to suppress attempts by
Panamanian Liberals to seize control of the Isthmus.
In an
unexpected twist of fate, diplomatic ties between the US and Colombia
soured when President Theodore Roosevelt decided to take over the
construction of the Panama Canal after the French’s failure, but
received little or no support from the Colombian government.
Unwilling to alter his terms, President Roosevelt saw an opportunity in
the separatist attempts, and encouraged a minority of Conservative
Panamanian landholding families to demand independence, offering them
the military support once reserved for Colombia.
With the
weight of the U.S. military support (the U.S. prevented the Colombians
from sending reinforcements by sea with a small naval force in the
area), Panama finally separated from Colombia on November 3, 1903 and
Dr. Manuel Amador Guerrero, a prominent member of the Conservative
political party, became the first president of the Republic of Panama.
Almost simultaneously, Frenchman Phillipe Bunau-Varilla, who had worked
on the first canal attempt, signed the Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty,
granting the U.S. the rights to build and indefinitely administer the
Panama Canal, and with it opening an entire new chapter of Panamanian
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