I love driving heavy equipment and own an excavator, several back hoes and a bobcat. (All for sale now that my project is completed) I really enjoy digging in the dirt with these incredible earth movers. The excavator can move so much material in in one scoop it does the work of a hundred men with shovels. The bobcat is a blast to maneuver and makes quick work in tight spaces. So if you ever get a chance to drive any of these tools try it, it will be a thrill, as long as it is not your everyday job.
With all of the infrastructure projects and the huge open pit copper mine coming online, Panama is a natural choice for Caterpillar to open a training center for Latin America. This facility will draw operators and buyers from all over the this part of the world.
La Prensa
The Caterpillar heavy equipment multinational firm began building its training and demonstration center in the Panama Pacifico Special Economic Area, Howard's former base.
Chris Martinez, media liaison in Latin America for Caterpillar, said that work began on June 1 and be completed in the first quarter of 2011.
While noting that total investment has not been defined yet, said the purchase of 100 hectares where you build the center represents an investment of 60 million dollars.
When the center is operating, the company plans to handle a volume of 12 000 visitors annually and generate 300 direct jobs.
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