Rodrigo Mulino does a nice job of spelling out some of the details of the new tax reform. As this week I have a number of posts related to taxes, I thought this might be appreciated.
Rodrigo Julio Molina O
[email protected]
With the enactment of Law No.8 of 2010, new rates
will take effect on income tax for both legal entities and for
individuals. Note that the application of these rates is retroactive,
so their entry into force is from January 1, 2010. In addition, it
includes tariff changes regarding ITBMS (similar to the VAT), ISC and
Stamps, which take effect from July 1, 2010.
Income Tax – Juridical Persons
telecommunications companies established in the country, their net
income arising from international telecommunication services are deemed
local income.
Included as local income is income from freight,
charges, fares, cargo and other services rendered by international
shipping companies whose origin or final destination is Panama, except
where such income results from freight, charges, fares and services for
passengers or cargo that are transiting, and companies that operate
cruise ships that have their base or home port in the Republic of
Excluded from the concept of local income is the distribution
of dividends or interests in companies that do not require a Notice of
Operations or those not generating taxable income in Panama.
New General Rates
For fiscal year 2010 (January to December) the income tax rate will be 27.5%. For subsequent years, the rate will be 25%.
New Special Rates
engaging in the following activities shall pay income tax based on the
30% rate through 2011, 27.5% from 2012 to 2013 and 25% from 2014
onwards, to wit: power generation and distribution, telecommunication
services in general, insurance and reinsurance activities, financing
activities regulated under Act 42 of 2001, cement manufacture, the
operation and management of games of chance and gambling, mining in
general and the banking business in Panama.
As for juridical
persons whose income exceeds one million five hundred thousand dollars
(B/.1, 500,000.00), they shall calculate based on the method that is
higher between the application of the respective rate to their taxable
income or 4.67% applicable to their total taxable income.
Special Regimes
Disposal/Sale of real estate: Regular Dispatch of Business
the disposal of immovable property which is part of the ordinary course
or dispatch of business, the income tax will be calculated at a
definitive rate of 3.75%.
Logistics and other operations in the Colon Free Zone and other zones
the case of businesses established in any free trade area, the
disposal, sale or transfer of immovable property or the rendering of
services are subject to the rates provided for in Articles 699 and 700
of the Fiscal Code. However, logistics, storage and wine cellar
operations, as well as the internal movements of goods and cargo,
billing services, repacking and similar activities that are directly
related international, are considered to be foreign or export
Interest and commissions remitted abroad by way of
loans or financing will be taxed at the general rate set forth in
Articles 699 and 700 of the Fiscal Code, over 50% of the amount paid or
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rodrigo Julio Molina Ortega
Molina &
Co. is one of the leading consulting and law firms in the Republic of
Panama. Our partners combine over 20 years of professional experience.
We are corporate and legal consultants who will organize and manage
your project or offshore company.
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