I find it of great concern that Panama continues to use pesticides and other chemicals applied to food products that have been banned in the U.S., Europe and other countries. Even after last years ban on 18 pesticides, all of these products are still widely used according to this article in La Prensa. The main focus of this article is a ripening chemical that is being used improperly which has been found to be toxic. By soaking fruit in this chemical rather than using it only during flowering, farmers have found the fruit to stay fresher much longer at the expense of everyone's health.
Aet Elisa Tejera C.
[email protected]
Etephon agrochemical use, used to accelerate the ripening of fruits like pineapple, mango, orange, banana and vegetables, was banned this month.
The chemical was originally used to accelerate flowering of the fruit, but agricultural officials found that it was being used as a soaker, which caused concern.
The excess of this substance in the maturation of the fruit might cause problems in the digestive and nervous systems temporarily, especially in children 4 to 6 years.
Through Resolution 954 of September 9, published Tuesday in the Official Gazette, was established within six months after its enactment, to suspend the sale and use of this substance in ripening fruit in the postharvest stage.
To ensure compliance with the legislation, producers must inform the shops for which crop is used Etephon said Lucas Eduardo Mora, general director of Public Health.
However, in the sector are those who doubt the controls, especially because 18 highly toxic pesticides, the import and domestic use should be prohibited since April 2009, are still legal tender in view of a determined in the Ministry Development (MIDA) has not been signed.
Etephon use is so widespread that last year found that Measure including the Mercado de Abasto some sellers sprayed with the chemical green mangoes from Costa Rica to ripen faster.
Jorge Igualada, secretary of the Union of Nontraditional Agroexporters says that this product is used only in the flowering stage of the crop. Recognizes the harmful effect of Etephon in the ripening stage, so it does not show opposition to be taken off the market, if farmers have some evil of the chemical.
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