Superman had Metropolis and Panama now has a Megalapolis (hotel) and now a Panatropolis advertised as the "global hub of the new world". All are meant to sound big and on the normal scale of things they are. I first heard about this project from one of the developers about 6 years ago. Back then it struck me as a viable idea because they were putting in showrooms similar to what they have in the Colon free zone so that buyers would only need to fly into the International airport and shuttle over to the nearby showrooms to make their purchases. This would save a lot of drive time traveling to Colon where there are few hotels and restaurants to accommodate clients. Of course this will further dash the hopes of Colon ever becoming a vibrant city as been hoped by so many administrations.
From this video we learn that the Panatropolis is to encompass residential and commercial along with hotels, a golf course an many other amenities. A virtual city will be built near the Tocumen international airport. Many things have changed since that first look such as a world economic recession and the announcement of about $15 billion in infrastructure into the country. It will take a number of years to build this project out and only time will tell if the idea for a Panatropolis is a good one. See youtube video here.
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