We LIKE designing the world around us – Its in our NATURE to become creators
As was done with the creation of the Panama Canal – which makes more than 1 Billion Dollars a year – such is our potential to create other systems that perhaps, if done properly, can make more than just 1billion dollars (economic gain) but also define solutions to many potential threats as a result of balancing the socio-ecological aspects into panamanian lifestyle.
Permaculture teaches us how to design our environment so that everything that we possibly know so far can be applied in a holistic manner and have not only abundance, but diverse production of life necessities. Using the weather, and microorganisms to work for our benefit instead of systematically destroying certain patterns of life.
The decreased cost of synthetic fertilizer and pesticide inputs, along with the higher prices that consumers pay for organic produce, contribute to increased profits. Organic farms have been consistently found to be as or more profitable than conventional farms. Without the price premium, profitability is mixed. Organic production is even more profitable depending on given price premiums
For markets and supermarkets organic food is profitable as well, and is generally even sold at significantly higher rates than non-organic food.
“A man should look for what is and not for what he thinks should be”
Albert Einstein
What Permaculture teaches us to do is as important as learning the alphabet to write a masterpiece.
Permaculture falls into the reforestation incentives of Panama.
Designing the land for the optimum production possible according to biology and technology – perhaps even into the tourism sector of Panama.
We are currently working on the development of this industry in Panama as a whole according to speculated possible designs of its economic trends, social impacts, and natural reserves… If you are interested in knowing more about Bill Mollison’s Permaculture aspects of design – Lets us know! – we are more than willing to share information – especially if you want to apply some valuable knowledge in Panama or invest directly.
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