After an exhaustive new Pew Research poll , an alarming 44% of the respondents say they often didn’t feel proud to be American. Only 28% still believe that the US is the greatest nation on earth.
How can Americans be united if so many have no investment in its success?
Citing Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire “The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been 200 years.” – This year the United States celebrates its 238th year of independence.
Part of any solution is to identify and reassert those things in our history that produced what was at one time the most prosperous and freest nation on earth. (Talking about the united States – not Panama)
Going down to Central America - Panama has the ability to become completely independent and free, if the proper message of urgency is transmitted to those who have the power and creativity to create productive projects that sustain economic growth and basic human needs locally produced if possible – until we are able to tap into more “futuristic” sources of energy we must invest in the latest technology available to produce high quality food available and access to drinking water for everyone.
We can right the wrong turns. We can raise up new leaders who understand our history and the meaning of freedom and liberty, those that will exalt the principles of the Declaration of 1776.
Panama will be the most advanced country in Central America when it comes to self-sustainability through science and technology.
Putting the Panamanian basic human needs as a high priority in governmental plans is what will differentiate the country that unites not only both oceans, but also unites the North and South hemispheres of America together – making Panama the hub for many human interests.
Organic Food production – Water safety – clean energy – and GREAT infrastructure = is what Panama will be ALL ABOUT these next few years.
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