Up to the minute economic information about Panama for the investor. I filter through all the information and distill it down to what you need.
Research and Commentary:
Investment climate-Law and Government-Environmental Issues- Marketing and Sales-Valuation and Acquisition-Master Planning-Property management
There were Approximately 12 million dollars in banking and real estate transactions, in the second version of the Expo Chiriquí fair which occurred on July 2nd and culminated on Sunday July 6th.
The fair offered about 70 projects to visitors and buyers according to informed, Ramon Horseman President of this event which was made altogether with the Panamanian Chamber of Construction and Grupo Trac.
Expo Chiriquí is not only a real estate fair, since also it contemplates other sectors like transport, hotels, services; what in opinion of its directors, it activates the economy to the being contracted to people and companies of the region in this scope.
The number of visitors goes up to around the 10 thousand people.
There are rumours that a North American theme park franchise is to be installed in Panama as a strategy to increase tourism in the country.
President Juan Carlos Varela designated the new Minister of Tourism, Jesus Sierra – who says that soon it will be announced the name of the franchise and location of the “new park”.
The Minister of Tourism says that the new player is experienced in the field of tourism, and will help promote business in Panama.
The sooner we know where this project is to be done – the sooner we will invest in the surrounding areas – Depending on how big of a scale this project is intended to be - real estate could have a significant boom if the theme park defines a new level of entertainment worthy to be a tourism attraction that will appeal the North and South of Americas equally.
Where in Panama do you think the "new theme park" will be located? Comment below!
One sector that will have much attention for national and foreign investors will be the agro-sector. President Juan Carlos Varela just announced the new law that will freeze the cost of 22 basic food products in the country.
The challenge is to keep food prices low with a maximum price set for each product set within the decree.
The main objective of this strategy is to provide up to $58.00 dollars in savings for the general population who make minimum wage – (that is around $624 or $488 depending on what zone they work in). This is great news for over half the population that make around $500/month, nevertheless there are many side effects that will occur and prices of other products will be adjusted accordingly.
Panama produces approx 50% of what the population consumes in terms of basic needs for food… Now with the price control – it is plausible to note that interests in biotechnology will rise – in order to reduce cost and be more efficient, improvements in the agriculture sector of Panama will be a must. Actually, because of the new bill signed by the President it already IS a must.
Those who understand this are able to foresee that the government will form incentives for those who invest in agriculture – and biotechnology specialists will be at their service.
Aquaponics has a bright future in Panama – since it is a system designed to require less water and less space compared to traditional ways of growing food. A win-win situation – the only challenge is the initial investment of the technology. Once that is taken care of, these systems will produce more food in less time without the need of chemicals all over them!
Here is a video of President Varela announcing the price controls of 22 products in Panama
Feel FREE to contact us, if you are interested in investing towards the future of Panama… remember everyone needs food to live! With the proper technology and government support, it will not only be profitable, but also a positive impact for many people earning minimum wage and are struggling to cover the basic needs for their family.
Possible Challenges:
Less investors in the market - since it does not look appealing when your price products are controlled by the government.
Food scarcity of the 22 products
Black market
Possible fights over food in supermarkets?
Poor quality of food?
For the investors that actually make it through --> there is a generous profit pool that can be channelled if the proper technology and delivery systems are applied. Thinking of futuristic ways?
Now - we will not only CHALLENGE you, but ENCOURAGE you - to take up the fire in your hands and lead the exciting sustainable ways of producing basic human needs. More brings more! We now have the technology - the next step is to THINK BIG.
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