The country received more than 45% of foreign direct investment that arrived in the region last year.
Panama was the Central American country that attracted more foreign direct investment in 2014, and one of the highlights in a Latin America with an overall negative result.
A report of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean published yesterday found that Panama received foreign investment of $ 4.72 billion , representing a 1% increase over the $ 4.65 Billion investment the previous year. Throughout Central America foreign investment was $ 10.5 Billion, meaning that the country attracted more than 45% of that capital.
Panama is also the country that receives more investment as a percentage of gross domestic product in Latin America, with 10%. Followed by Chile (with just over 8%) and Nicaragua (7%). The Latin American average is slightly above 2%.
ECLAC notes in its report that "in general, the smaller economies tend to receive relatively higher proportion of foreign direct investment, which gives transnational corporations a particularly important role."
One of the largest financial transactions closed last year on the continent was the acquisition of seven power plants in Panama and Costa Rica. The Colombian Celsia paid $ 840 million to the French GDF Suez,
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