The global warming wake-up post garnered many comments, some logical and most emotional. I think it is time to turn up the heat a bit more with this great time line of climategate going back 30 years.
You have to see this to believe it. Look up close and admire the detail while you despair at how long science has been going off the rails. To better appreciate the past and what was exposed by the CRU emails, the time-line chart consolidates and chronologically organizes the information uncovered and published about the CRU emails by many researchers along with some related contextual events. That the chart exists at all is yet another example of how skilled experts are flocking in to the skeptics position and dedicating hours of time pro bono because they are passionately motivated to fight against those who try to deceive us.
Try to be open minded when looking over the data presented. I understand how years of indoctrination has made folks passionate about the planet and the damage we have imposed on it. The powers that be are spending billions of your dollars to convince you that you are the problem. We humans are guilty of many environment damaging things, but global warming is not one of them. Let go of this guilt and you will feel so much better!
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