How can the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grow 6.2% in a country where construction workers paralyzed most of the ongoing projects, including the expansion of the Panama Canal; a nation where the crisis endures in the Colon Free Zone (CFZ), due to a great debt of Venezuela to companies operating in the Free Zone, totaling USD 1,7 Billion; and where hotel occupancy is at its lowest point (67% in 2010 and 53% in June 2014)?
How can Panama be the country with the highest economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, if in the first half of this year - exports of goods in the nation grew only 0.1%, agricultural production continued to deteriorate, had to take cost-saving measures energy, falling production of hydraulic and thermal energy; and transit of vessels through the canal declined in the first six months of the year?
How is it that Panama's economy grows 6.2%? The government has just approved a cut in public spending of about $ 500 million, based between their technical arguments, which was not fulfilled in the first half with the programming of the collection of current revenues of the central government.

What, then, is the macroeconomic variable that sustains economic growth in Panama of 6.2% in the first half?
It Is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), which grew 26% in the first six months of 2014 compared to the same period last year.
To get an idea of the impact of FDI in the first half of the relationship of this variable with respect to real GDP was 15%.
In recent years, FDI has been a significant variable in the growth of the economy.
From 2000 to 2013, it went from $ 624 million to $ 4.65 Billion, an increase of over $4 Billion during these thirteen years, an expansion of 646% in this period.
One explanation of why FDI grows so strong in Panama is because foreign companies are constantly buying Panamanian companies. This phenomenon has involved almost all activities of the country, but mainly in the banking, industrial and trade sector.
If it is good or bad to depend on foreign investment for the growth of a country, that is another debate. At this time Foreign Direct Investment is what keeps Panama growing…
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