Want to reach over 15000+ readers from all over the world who have a specific interest in the Republic of Panama? This may be the right place if your offering land for development, services for developers, employment opportunities in the field of real estate, development funding or looking for a business partner.
Many people have contacted me asking if I will allow them to advertise on my Panama Investor Blog. I made the decision when I began posting three years ago not to clutter the Investor blog with banners and links for paid advertising.
Several years ago I put together this Panama Opportunities page and I began posting various business opportunities free of charge. Every few months I would post a link to the page from my Investor Blog and drive readers to the site. Many of those people found what they were looking for and thanked me kindly.
In the last few months I have begun receiving many more requests so I have decided to turn the site into a paid for service and promote it more aggressively to my readership. You can review the fee structure and listing promotion vehicle here.
I am not acting as a middleman or broker in any of the opportunities posted unless disclosed. I take no responsibility for the accuracy or validity of any offerings. I advise everyone to do their own due diligence and abide by the old Latin saying, Caveat Emptor.