The fee schedule will cover a 60 day period starting from the date the post begins. Your position on the post is a matter of when it was posted. The posts are listed in ascending order with the last post date listed last. You will move up the list as the other post expire.
At least once a week I will make a post on the Investor Blog directing people to the Opportunity Page. I will also list each NEW opportunity on that post. With my current Panama Investor Subscriber list, readers would be directed eight times to the Opportunities page and your listing over that two month period.
Your listing may consist of up to 200 words of which 100 will appear in the non extended position. See other posts as an example. Readers can click on the post to open it in its entirety.
You can include one photo, your email and web links. clicking on your email will open their email client. Clicking your web link goes directly to your website.
The fees are based on the type of listing you want to make.
Employment opportunity=$195
Business service or partnerships=$495
Business for sale or Real Estate offering (no homes or small farms)=$895
You can send me your credit card information and we will put it through our E commerce system. Your charge will appear as from Eldorado Collections. You can email me at [email protected] for any questions.